Monday, February 9, 2009

Now that you're Mom...another step you need to take

also posted on Waiting and Choice Mom blogs, because it's just that important:

I just learned that a 40-year-old Choice Mom-in-the-making, who lived in the D.C. area, suddenly died Christmas Day while 32.5-weeks pregnant, from the very rare pregnancy complication of HELLPS (Hemolytic anemia, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count).

Her baby boy was born safely, but she did not get to meet him.

On SO many levels this is tragic and makes all of us in the Choice Mom community stop with a collective gasp and remember what a blessing it is that all of us are here to enjoy the friends and family that surround us.

There are two silver linings in this woman's story.

One is that she was connected to her local Single Mothers by Choice community, which is now contributing to a trust fund in her son's name. Choice Moms is now beginning the steps toward establishing a fundraising event to involve our worldwide community. I'll continue to post here as this develops.

The second silver lining is that she was as prepared as anyone can be for this kind of tragedy.

This woman already had a guardian picked out, life insurance, and a will prepared. But most of us don't have this level of foresight, especially when we are so eager to conceive, deliver and embark on motherhood for the first time.

Choice Moms wants to help all of us become better educated about the importance of these steps BEFORE you plan to bring a child home. As Jessica, who told me about this woman's story, pointed out, many insurance companies won't give you insurance if you are pregnant.

We are hosting an event in D.C. on May 9 (day before Mother's Day) to build awareness of the importance of preparing for your child financially and Stay tuned to for more information about this event, as well as partners who can help you get your paperwork, and more, in order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As both a new choice mom and an attorney, I am so glad that this important message has been shared, although I am greatly saddened by the circumstances. I, too, obtained a life insurance policy before becoming pregnant and, shortly after my baby became viable, I executed a will, trust, and power of attorney for health care. The last item allows others to make medical decisions for you, should you become unable. Most decent trusts and estates attorneys will encourage you to have this document in addition to your will.

As for guardians, I named a first, second and third choice. This way, I will have exercised the most control should some of my guardians decide that they are unable or unwilling to serve. (Although I cannot imagine that happening.) Also, I had my estate and my life insurance proceeds put into a trust, so I could make sure that the money is used in a way I deem appropriate. Specifically, I didn't want my child to inherit a sum of money at too young an age where he might be tempted to splurge.

Although this topic is a bit morbid, it is very important for any prospective parent, and especially those of us who are single. If you have not already done so, I strongly encourage you to "legally nest."
