Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Meeting half-siblings

A woman with two young children recently wrote me to indicate that a half-sibling of her kids was coming all the way from another country to the U.S., and while here wanted to meet her kids, since they shared the same sperm donor.

The mother was concerned because she didn't feel prepared to talk to her kids about how they were connected, yet didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet.

In addition to checking the wisdom you can find on Donor Sibling Registry, I recommended the following:

I'd start here. Some of the LISTEN audios on the website should be helpful (including the one with Ryan Kramer, and the one with a donor who has met offspring).

This is about answering the daddy question, but also simply about having the "donor" conversations.

I always recommend Donor Conception Network for their Telling and Talking series, which you'll find in Resources. A recent radio show, posted on, is with the founder of this organization, about telling the #17.

Also in Resources is the story and compilation of books about donor conception.

Have fun with this place! I've just started talking with my five-year-old (have been talking about "family" definitions with my 10-year-old for a while now). It's a great bonding experience. And just the beginning of lifelong exploration of who is important to us, and we consciously build connections, or not, with the people around us.