Monday, September 22, 2008

Creating a support network

submitted by Lara

It seems that the most common question I've gotten both from health professionals and others is "what kind of support system do you have?" or "you must have a huge support system to being doing so well with twins." My answer is always I have enough. And I have had enough for the most part. I've had a day or two where a break or an extra set of hands would have made me a happier and more productive mommy but I make do.

I was asked at a smc local group recently "what do you do if you don't have a lot of family or support around?" I answered "you create your support system one person at a time."

My family is as supportive as they can be but the closest family member lives 2+ hours away. I had a handful of people that I knew I could rely on if I needed to. Some of them I rely heavily on and some not at all. It depends on where I'm at on any given day or week. It also depends on how comfortable I am with them and my children. Since the babies have been born I've continued to increase my support network. I've joined the local single mothers by choice group, the mother of twins club and a local mom's group. I go on play dates (not that they play yet but they will soon) and I go to a breastfeeding support group. I've met wonderful women who make me feel good about myself and my parenting skills. I've found that most mom's who are in relationships have the same feelings that I have about motherhood. We are all the same, some just have a partner.

So just like I chose to have a child(ren) on my own, I chose to have a developing support group. There can never be too many people loving and supporting me and my boy's.


Anonymous said...

So how does one go about finding the local mom's group, the mother of twins club, etc? I asked at the doctor's office and was given the name of the hospital psychologist to talk to about my "situation" of being single and expecting. Any suggestions for locating such groups and starting to put the pieces of the network together?

Anonymous said...

I want to know the same things as Anonymous of Sept 25

Lara said...

I found the local mom's group on, but I know that many cities and towns have family centers that can direct you. The mother of twins group I found online at and searched by state and city. Some choice mom's have talked about religous organizations and I have also heard the local YMCA and libraries having groups. Good luck!